Woman Veteran Owned Company
What I value: (5F’s)
Family – Immediate and Work Family
Faith – Religious and Leadership
Fitness – 4 pillars of Resilience (Physical, Spiritual, Mental, & Social)
Fun – Enjoy what you do
Focus – Do what you do and do it the best you can
My Leadership Philosophy:
- Leadership starts with you – know yourself (strengths and weaknesses)
- Leadership is about responsibility and accountability
- Know when to lead and when to follow
- Relationships matter – take the time to invest in people
- Communicating to people is not the same as connecting with people
- Empower people to do great things and get out of their way – give intent and parameters and let them succeed
- Don’t walk by a mistake – bad behavior & habits lead to unprofessional culture
- Nobody is perfect – but there is a difference between a crime and a mistake
- Bad news doesn’t get better with time – tell the boss quickly and offer solutions
- Just because you’re moving, doesn’t mean you’re headed in the right direction – move with purpose
but take the time to analyze your plan and execution
- It’s okay to challenge conventional wisdom, but we must support final decisions – don’t be satisfied
with “because that is the way it has always been done” but understand the risk
- It’s more important to be your best than to try your best – bloom where you are planted
- Build the bench – create opportunity for everyone to get in the game
- Diversity of thought and experience enhances innovation
- Success is failure turned inside out – don’t be afraid to fail forward…go for it
- Integrity, Service and Excellence
- Pride, Passion and Professionalism
- Know my capabilities and limitations, strengths and weaknesses
- Clear, consistent guidance and vision
- Keep the big picture in focus
- I will be visible and approachable to everyone
- Care for my people, be loyal and take direct fire
- Judge each situation based on its own merit
- Objectively listen, learn and lead
- Mentor and be available to all team members
- Make the tough decisions
- Listening – actively
- I will treat time as a resource
- Integrity, Service and Excellence
- Pride, Passion and Professionalism
- Lead – everyone is an accountable leader
- Think outside the box – ask why/why not
- Be a positive, proactive team player – optimism is infectious
- Constructively communicate to your boss, subordinates, and peers
- Respect your craft – your job is important
- Be the standard of excellence
- Be a problem solver, not a messenger
- Take care of your people and treat everyone with respect and dignity
- I expect loyalty; I will earn our respect