Leadership Philosophy

Woman Veteran Owned Company

What I value: (5F’s)

Family – Immediate and Work Family

Faith – Religious and Leadership

Fitness – 4 pillars of Resilience (Physical, Spiritual, Mental, & Social)

Fun – Enjoy what you do

Focus – Do what you do and do it the best you can


My Leadership Philosophy:

  1. Leadership starts with you – know yourself (strengths and weaknesses)
  2. Leadership is about responsibility and accountability
  3. Know when to lead and when to follow
  4. Relationships matter – take the time to invest in people
  5. Communicating to people is not the same as connecting with people
  6. Empower people to do great things and get out of their way – give intent and parameters and let them succeed
  7. Don’t walk by a mistake – bad behavior & habits lead to unprofessional culture
  8. Nobody is perfect – but there is a difference between a crime and a mistake
  9. Bad news doesn’t get better with time – tell the boss quickly and offer solutions
  10. Just because you’re moving, doesn’t mean you’re headed in the right direction – move with purpose

          but take the time to analyze your plan and execution

  1. It’s okay to challenge conventional wisdom, but we must support final decisions – don’t be satisfied

          with “because that is the way it has always been done” but understand the risk

  1. It’s more important to be your best than to try your best – bloom where you are planted
  2. Build the bench – create opportunity for everyone to get in the game
  3. Diversity of thought and experience enhances innovation
  4. Success is failure turned inside out – don’t be afraid to fail forward…go for it



  1. Integrity, Service and Excellence
  2. Pride, Passion and Professionalism
  3. Know my capabilities and limitations, strengths and weaknesses
  1. Clear, consistent guidance and vision
  2. Keep the big picture in focus
  3. I will be visible and approachable to everyone
  4. Care for my people, be loyal and take direct fire
  5. Judge each situation based on its own merit
  6. Objectively listen, learn and lead
  7. Mentor and be available to all team members
  8. Make the tough decisions
  9. Listening – actively
  10. I will treat time as a resource



  1. Integrity, Service and Excellence
  2. Pride, Passion and Professionalism
  3. Lead – everyone is an accountable leader
  4. Think outside the box – ask why/why not
  5. Be a positive, proactive team player – optimism is infectious
  1. Constructively communicate to your boss, subordinates, and peers
  1. Respect your craft – your job is important
  2. Be the standard of excellence
  3. Be a problem solver, not a messenger
  4. Take care of your people and treat everyone with respect and dignity
  1. I expect loyalty; I will earn our respect